FinExpertiza is an international audit and consulting network operating in 12 countries of the world. The geographical footprint includes Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Kirghizia, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Uzbekistan. Since 2014, FinExpertiza has been a member of the Forum of Firms (IFAC).
According to the International Accounting Bulletin (IAB), FinExpertiza is in the ТОP-30 of the biggest global audit and consulting networks.
FinExpertiza holds a position in the ТОP-10 of the biggest Russian audit groups and networks and the biggest Russian firms (according to RAEX). According to international ratings published by International Tax Review (ITR) – World Tax 2019 and World Transfer Pricing 2019 – FinExpertiza was recognized as one of the best firms in Russia providing advisory services on taxation matters and transfer pricing.
Since 2017, FinExpertiza has been the auditor of the Bank of Russia.
Business Consulting and Services
HQ Location
ул. Краснопролетарская, д. 16, стр. 1
Москва, Москва 127473, RU
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